Digital tools as a lever for attractiveness in industry

Among the main strategic challenges of the industry for 2023, recruitment stands out as a central element, as explained by Olivier Durteste, Director General of UIMM Udimetal. 67% of company managers in the manufacturing industry declare that they are having difficulty recruiting, i.e. 2 out of 3 companies.What if, in addition to supporting companies’ productivity, […]

What are the challenges for the industry in 2023?

Product/process competitiveness, profitability and skills: the 2023 challenges for industry as seen by Olivier Durteste While the industrial sector is going through a very particular period between doubts in the face of all the current uncertainties and hopes for a successful transition thanks to innovations and political will, DiagRAMS went to meet Olivier Durteste, Managing Director […]

DiagRAMS Technologies celebrates its 3rd anniversary

How far we have come!DiagRAMS is the story of 3 enthusiasts who combine their skills around a major industrial issue: improve industrial performance by analysing under-utilised data.A huge amount of production-related data is contained in every piece of industrial equipment. But you have to know how to use them… What if software could automatically analyse this complex […]

Maintenance 4.0: thinking through your project for an optimised ROI

Increased reliability, reduced maintenance costs, optimised planning… As we know, the benefits of predictive maintenance are numerous. But where to start? What are the prerequisites to start your project? Which machines should be targeted first and which mistakes should be avoided?  DiagRAMS gives you concrete levers for a successful predictive maintenance strategy.   Predictive maintenance: […]

Artificial intelligence for maintenance

Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques can be used to provide solutions for monitoring the operating status of industrial equipment. These solutions can both detect phenomena that have already occurred and identify others that are new. Interview with Jean-François Bouin, president and co-founder of DiagRAMS Technologies, which offers a predictive maintenance software solution for the early detection […]

Analysis of temporal dynamics in signals for predictive maintenance: challenges and new methods

Last month, we returned to the foundations of artificial intelligence and its opportunities for a maintenance 4.0 strategy. Let’s go further by deciphering the challenges of temporal dynamics analysis for predictive maintenance. Focus on a new method of analysis of functional categorical data co-developed by DiagRAMS. When will a breakdown occur? When did a drift […]

How DiagRAMS Technologies is revolutionising predictive maintenance

Accelerated in Village by CA over the past two years, DiagRAMS Technologies has been developing predictive maintenance software for industrialists, to predict breakdowns and anomalies on machines. This solution avoids the installation of sensors and provides technicians with a turnkey tool and valuable data to better understand the state of health of the machine park. […]

AI and predictive maintenance, nothing new?

Yes, AI can do a lot, but not just anything or any way! Let’s go back to the basics. We have come a long way from the beginnings of artificial intelligence in the 1930s to the arrival of expert systems in 1980 and Machine Learning algorithms as we know them in 2022! But what has […]

Innovation centred on the uses of DiagRAMS software

If DiagRAMS Technologies has been selected as one of the best examples of design for business innovation, it is not by chance. Its software solution was designed according to a UX design approach to meet efficiency and user satisfaction. Adeo, Decathlon, Dickson… and DiagRAMS Technologies are featured in the “Dépliages” exhibition, co-produced by the Cité […]

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