Industry 4.0 and cybersecurity: ensuring the reliability of industrial systems
30 June 2022Last month, the International Cybersecurity Forum (ICF) was held. Our team attended this leading ecosystem event to keep abreast of the latest developments in digital security and trust. Let’s talk about cybersecurity on this occasion.
As we know, the interconnection of machines is an essential component of Industry 4.0. But be careful not to neglect the security of your digital environment! If some still had some doubts about the need to take cybersecurity issues into account, the 2022 barometer from mc2i and IDC alerts us to the increase in cyber-risks over the last two years.
Focus on industrial cybersecurity.
Industry 4.0 and cybersecurity
The industrial sector is concerned by cyber risks, because its working environment is increasingly connected, with regular technological developments. The Factory 4.0 concept, for example, increases the number of interconnections between systems, machines and sensors, thus increasing the attack surface.
In this new world, industrial systems, such as SCADA, PLC, but also the industrial information system, i.e. both workstations and network equipment, are potentially vulnerable to cyber attacks. For them, but also for their numerous partners, suppliers and service providers.
Data at the heart of the concerns

The opening up of industrial networks to the outside world brings its share of new threats with the diversification of cyber attacks.
In addition to the risk of fraudulent data capture, companies’ concerns are now focused on sharing their industrial data. While this practice is motivated by the search for efficiency and innovation, the protection of sensitive data has always been at the heart of the challenges faced by industrialists in order not to give access to information that could weaken or even threaten their competitive position.
Cybersecurity must therefore ensure the security of digital resources and guarantee the availability, integrity and confidentiality of company data.
The DiagRAMS solution: security by design
For an expert in industrial data analysis with software dedicated to predictive maintenance such as DiagRAMS, cybersecurity represents a double challenge. Firstly to protect its own information systems, but also, as a provider of a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution with cloud applications, to guarantee customers a maximum level of security. The data analysed must be reliable but also immune to intrusion or theft.
« Since the creation of DiagRAMS, it has been crucial to master the challenges of security. Our strategy is based on a two-pronged approach, synchronised on a technical and human level, with a view to continuous improvement. » Nicolas FROIDURE, CTO at DiagRAMS Technologies
The development process, tools and protocols used by DiagRAMS have been carefully selected from an optimum cybersecurity perspective:
- Automated deployment of our proprietary technologies in the cloud with tools that provide a comprehensive and historical inventory of infrastructure element (Terraform, Ansible…);
- Use of reliable, robust open source tools, benefiting from the experience and tools of specialist hosting providers;
- Use of proven standards;
- …
Beyond the technical aspects, team training is a priority at DiagRAMS. As the ANSSI defends in its IT hygiene guide, security is not an option. This is why the entire technical team, from web developers to data scientists, are trained in digital security issues to guarantee reliability, control and protection.
This is the main task of our cybersecurity advisor, who supervises product development in accordance with the necessary requirements.