Welcome to Sidonie, our industry communication expert

18 November 2021

The DiagRAMS Technologies team is pleased to welcome Sidonie Augustin as Communication and Marketing Officer to expand its team.


What are your missions within the DiagRAMS team?

S.A – My role is to make DiagRAMS Technologies and our predictive maintenance tool known. As a young start-up in full acceleration, it is important to promote the advantages of this technology in the midst of the Industry 4.0 shift and to explain all its potential and its concrete implementation.

To do this, I design the DiagRAMS communication toolbox following adefined editorial line. The added value of DiagRAMS is to offer software that is reliable, ergonomic and as close to the field as possible.

My challenge is therefore to draw on the different areas of expertise of the team (AI, industry, design, etc.), our partners and our entire ecosystem in order to propose clear and coherent communication supports.


Why did you choose to join DiagRAMS Technologies?

S.A – I worked for three years at the Parc Eurasanté, so innovation is a sector that has always interested me, and joining a research-based start-up makes complete sense with the rest of my career.

Thanks to my job, I have always been involved in the world of design. Hence my attention to a company like DiagRAMS which develops software focused on UX.

And finally, in a start-up the field of possibilities is open in terms of communication. Everything has to be done and we have a lot of ideas, it’s up to us to make the right choices. It’s a challenge I was keen to take up and I’m delighted to have joined the adventure.


How did your integration go?

S.A – With the current health context, it was necessary to favour teleworking at the beginning of my contract. But fortunately, I’m with a great, welcoming team where everyone listens and sticks together. So I quickly managed to find my place. We are very happy to meet up again on the face-to-face days!


What do you like best about your work?

S.A – “Petit Bambou” to do some meditation but with my “electric battery” temperament, I clearly couldn’t get into it.

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predictive maintenance !